
honest, actionable Feedback to Write Your Best Work

Developmental edits & manuscript Evaluations

creative nonfiction
lyric & personal essays
hybrid & experiment works
memoir | poetry

"I was nominated for a pushcart."

Helen Sitler, PhD

Associate Professor, Retired

Pushcart Nominee

Kim’s knowledge of literary magazines, especially for flash nonfiction (@1000 words or less), made a huge difference for me. 

Using her comments, I revised my piece “Reconstruction” and had it accepted by The Sunlight Press. 

I was happy to have it published, then stunned when Sunlight Press nominated it for a Pushcart Prize. 

None of this would have happened without Kim’s careful reading and extensive notes for revision.

Get insider insight into pubishing from an experienced editor

I’ve held editing positions with  Brevity, Fourth River, Lost Roads Press and beyond. I’ve read thousands of poetry and creative nonfiction submissions.

Nearly 99% of submissions get rejected. And many of the reasons can easily be avoided with the guidance of an experienced editor. 

Work with Open Roads and avoid these common reasons for rejection: 

  • Not meeting or understanding genre conventions and when it’s okay to break them.
  • Submitting a piece that has an underdeveloped story and voice  
  • Not understanding the call or conversation around your work

"I've been published & invited to join an international blogging team."

Rachel Allen

Founder, YogaSong

Certified Music Practitioner & Accessible Yoga Teacher

Community Organizer & Social Justice Activist

Working with Open Roads and their Creative Nonfiction Lab has supported my development as a writer of personal essays.

Kimberly’s extensive knowledge of the craft of CNF, along with her thoughtful edits and prompts have hone my craft and transformed my writing. 

Since working with Kimberly at the end of 2019 as a new writer, I have published three pieces, been invited to join a blog team of an international organization, participated as a guest writer in residence at ArtHouse 6, and will have my first piece in print in March of 2022. My first chapbook will come out this summer!

My skills have grown, as well as my confidence as a writer because of my work with Kimberly as a writing coach.

Did You need a Developmental Edit or a Manuscript Evaluation?

A developmental edit provides actionable feedback and comprehensive comments throughout a piece while a manuscript evaluation provides a bird’s eye view, with broad suggestions for improvement. 

Which one you select often depends on the mastery of your genre, what stage of revision you’re in, and your budget. 

For new writers, I recommend a partial Manuscript Evaluation followed by a six-month coaching package for added support and mentoring during the revision process. 

For experienced writers, I recommend a full developmental edit. The six-month coaching program is perfect for writers looking for goal setting, accountability, and feedback throughout the revision process.

manuscript evaluation

bird's eye view

big picture evaluation

More affordable and often a first step, a manuscript evaluation includes feedback on your audience, publishing goals, and genre specific craft. Light on in-text comments. Comprehensive on actionable feedback for self-editing and self-teaching.

Includes a 4-5 page editorial letter.
Apply to Work with Me

developmental edit

360 degree feedback


Actionable feedback and comprehensive in-text comments throughout your manuscript. Includes specific recommendations on how to improve and prepare for submitting and pitching. Recommended for experienced writers.

Includes a 4-5 page editorial letter.
Apply to Work with Me

"Kimberly is top-notch."

Jim Donovan, MEd

Professional Musician

Founder, Jim Donovan Health

She’s been a key part of several of my projects including helping to edit a 300-page manual that serves as a lynchpin of my music education business.

She’s also served as a creative consultant in my Summer Rhythm Renewal Retreat event. There she helped to create part of the event’s infrastructure dealing with on-site customer care and retention.

One of the best things about her is that anytime there was a problem that had no existing solution, Kimberly found a way to create one- and then codify it so that the new solution became a part of our organization’s best practices.

Kimberly is a detail-oriented person and finishes what she starts.

Bottom line, she knows how to get things done – and well.

how do editing packages work?

You will begin with a brief onboarding application so I can learn about your manuscript and your goals. At this point, I may ask to see your manuscript or for a sample edit. Then, we’ll discuss the best options for your project, suitable timelines, and sign a contract to set clear expectations for both of us.

Once complete, I’ll return your manuscript with an editorial letter. After you’ve had time to review your feedback, we’ll meet to clarify questions and talk about what’s next. 

What Makes Open Roads Different?

Your feedback will focus on strengths, as well as areas of growth for your craft and manuscript. Most importantly, it will be specific and actionable. The critique will also include reading recommendations to improve your craft for this project and beyond.  

I taught English Language Arts in middle school and high school for 16 years. I also managed two secondary libraries and have more than a decade of experience with literary magazines and small presses. 

My in-depth knowledge of how people read, what people want to read, and how people learn informs my reading and feedback. And after teaching for so long, I also know  know how to deliver actionable feedback without harm to your inner critic.

Common Questions

Yes! You can add pages to your coaching sessions at the rate of $125/5 pages. You can spread those pages across the entire month, or use them all in one session. Pages do not carry from month-to-month.  

We certainly do. Sometimes all you want is a quick edit on an essay or a short work-in-progress. 

You can buy A La Carte Edits at the rate of $125 per edit, up to 5 pages.  

You decide if you want developmental or line edits.  

I don’t include pricing on the website. Each project and each writer is different.

I’m also keenly aware of the scarcity mindset and how it can shut down a creative mind when it sees a price tag. 

Let’s book a session to discuss your project. Then, let’s talk about pricing and ways to make this happen. 

No. But, I do offer payment plans. Let’s talk about how to make this work.

Yes. The contract outlines our expectations and responsibilities to each other. 

I believe clear communication makes for great partnerships, like the ones between writers and their editors. 


Fifty percent of the project estimate is due at signing.

When we reach the halfway point, the next 30 percent is due.

The final 20-percent is due upon completion and before you receive your completed edit. 

We accept Paypal, Venmo, debit cards, and all major credit cards through my invoicing system. 

Yes. All projects will be invoiced, with receipts so your accountant will be happy.

Line editing is available for works shorter than 20 pages.

For longer projects and for proofreading, I love matching writers with their perfect editors.

I have thousands of connections with line editors and proofreaders.

For a concierge fee, I’d be happy to connect you with a qualified professional editor. 

Like matchmaking–but for writers and editors. 


From editing to coaching to mentoring, I'm ready to help you write and publish your best work.

Get started below, and we'll be in touch with our scheduling link to start the conversation.

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